مقدمة في الشعر

تعريف بالمساق

اسم المدرس : أكرم صبحي إدريس حبيب

الكلية : كلية الآداب

القسم : اللغة الإنجليزية

اسم المساق : مقدمة في الشعر

رقم المساق : ENGL 3358

وصف المساق :

The course, English Poetry, is a survey course which is targeted to Junior students, Arts, and Education. The course is mainly intended to furnish the students with background information about English poetry written in the sixteenth century and onward. The students are expected to be familiar with the different schools of English poetry and the emergent poetic forms. In addition, they are supposed to read and appreciate English poetry through discussions and written responses. Hence, the students’ interpretive skills are sharpened. The students are expected to , read, think, and write critically. The final goal is make our students reflective, analyst and persuasive.

Course Objectives:

A. To acquaint the students with different types and forms of English Poetry.
B. To Train the students to read poems and respond in oral and written forms.
C. The course aims at sharpening the students’ interpretive skills via enriching
     their literary and critical competence.
D. To equip the students with the various tools, techniques and strategies of
E. To reinforce the students analytical and evaluative skills.

F- To enable the students acquire several skills needed for several types of careers.

Expected Output:

A. At the end of the course, the students will have enhanced their knowledge of
     the different forms and types of English Poetry
B. The students will have gained practical experience in reading poems, then 
    responding to them critically.
C. The students analytical and evaluative skills will have been reinforced.
D. The students scholarly skills will have been enhanced.
E. The students will have developed an independent critical persona.
F. The students will have acquired a good background about English Poetry; it is  
    the background which will enable them to textualize and contextualize any given
    text in English poetry.
E- The students will have developed a critique that will help them to assume
     competence and a strong personality that will definitely help them in any job they
     might hold in the future.
F- At the end of the course the students will have acquired tyhe necessary skills for jobs such as teaching, Journalism, business, politics, etc.

مركز التميز والتعليم الإلكتروني | الجامعة الإسلامية بغزة

هاتف: 2644400 8 970+ داخلي 1571| فاكس:264 4800 8 970+

البريد الإلكتروني: [email protected]

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