م عنوان المحاضرة عرض حفظ
    1 Regulation of Respiration-3
    2 Regulation of Respiration-2
    3 Regulation of Respiration-1
    4 Principles of Gaz Exchange-4
    5 Principles of Gaz Exchange-3
    6 Principles of Gaz Exchange-2
    7 Pulmonary Circulation-2
    8 Principles of Gaz Exchange-1
    9 Pulmonary Circulation-1
    10 Pulmonary Ventilation-4
    11 Pulmonary Ventilation-3
    12 Pulmonary Ventilation-2
    13 Pulmonary Ventilation-1
    14 Micturition and Renal Diseases and Duretics-2
    15 Micturition and Renal Diseases and Duretics-1
    16 Micturition
    17 Urine Concentration and Dilution
    18 Tubular Reabsorption-7
    19 Tubular Reabsorption-6
    20 Tubular Reabsorption-5
    21 Tubular Reabsorption-4
    22 Tubular Reabsorption-3
    23 Tubular Reabsorption-2
    24 Tubular Reabsorption-1
    25 Glomerular Filtration-3
    26 Glomerular Filtration-2
    27 Glomerular Filtration-1
    28 Kidney Structure-2
    29 Kidney Structure-1
    30 Body Fluids-4
    31 Body Fluids-3
    32 Body Fluids-1
    33 Body Fluids-2
    م عنوان المحاضرة عرض حفظ
    1 Pathology of Gall-Blagger
    2 Pathology of Intestine
    3 Pathology of Oesophagus
    4 Pathology Oralcavity
    5 Oral Pathology
مساقات ذات علاقة

مركز التميز والتعليم الإلكتروني | الجامعة الإسلامية بغزة

هاتف: 2644400 8 970+ داخلي 1571| فاكس:264 4800 8 970+

البريد الإلكتروني: elearning@iugaza.edu.ps

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