م عنوان المحاضرة عرض حفظ
    1 Redox Titrations - 2
    2 Cell Potential
    3 Redox Titrations-1
    4 Oxidation Reduction Equilibria & Titrations
    5 Volhard &Fajans methods
    6 Precipitation Reaction & Titrations Con Precipitation Titrations
    7 Solubility Acid Solutions
    8 EDTA Titrations
    9 Complexometric Indicators
    10 Calculations EDTA Equilibria
    11 Kjeldahl Analysis Complexmetric Reactions
    12 Titration of Mixtures of acids and Bases
    13 Acid-Base Titrations .cont ....,Titration of aPolyprotic Base
    14 Titration of Polyprotic Acids
    15 Strong Acids verus Strong Bases ,Strong Bases/Acids verus WeakBases Acids
    16 Mixtures of Acids , Acid-Base Titrations
    17 Salts of Polyprotic Acids
    18 Back to Normalities
    19 Back - Titrations
    20 Volumetric Analysis
    21 Polyprotic Acids
    22 Buffer Solution
    23 Weak Acid- Bases & Their Salts
    24 Acid- Base Equilibria Cont... Strong Acids/Bases & Their Salts
    25 Precipitation Equilibria -2 ,Acid- Base Equilibria
    26 Gravimetric Calculations ,Precipitation Equilibria-1
    27 Gravimetric Analysis -2, Gravimetric Procedure
    28 Steps in Gravimetric Analysis
    29 Activity and Activity Coefficients
    30 Systematic Approach
    31 Equilibrium Calculations
    32 Stoichiometric Calculations
    33 Normality Density Calculations
    34 Linear Least Squares Stoichiometric Calculations
    35 Data Handling T test
    36 Propagation of Error Tests of Significance
    37 Standard Deviation continued
    38 Error and Standard Deviation
    39 Math with significant figures
    40 Data handling1
    41 مقدمة
    م عنوان المحاضرة عرض حفظ
    1 Amines 3
    2 Amides + Amines (2)
    3 Amides + Amines (1)
    4 Naming of acids 4
    5 Naming of acids 3
    6 Naming of acids 2
    7 Naming of acids 1
    8 Aldehydes and Ketones-6
    9 Aldehydes and Ketones-5
    10 ehydes and Ketones-4
    11 ehydes and Ketones-3
    12 ehydes and Ketones-2
    13 ehydes and Ketones-1
    14 Ethers-2
    15 Ethers-1
    16 Reactions of Alcohols
    17 Acidity of Alcohols -2
    18 Acidity of Alcohols -1
    19 Alcohols, Phenols, and Hiols
    20 Alkyl halides IV
    21 Alkyl halides III
    22 Alkyl halides II
    23 Alkyl halides I
    24 Stereochemistry III
    25 Stereochemistry II
    26 Stereochemistry I
    27 Aromatic Compounds 3
    28 Aromatic Compounds -2
    29 Aromatic Compounds -1
    30 Reactions of Alkynes
    31 Reactions of Alkenes3
    32 Addition Reactions of Alkenes
    33 Reactions of Alkenes, Addition of Water
    34 Reactions of Alkenes
    35 Nomenclature and Properties of Alkenes
    36 Nomenclature of Alkanes and their Properties
    37 Nomenclature of Alkanes and their Properties
    38 Introduction (Orbital view Of the bonds)
    39 Introduction, Electronic Configuration and chemica
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