م عنوان المحاضرة عرض حفظ
    1 Causatives in English & Arabic-2
    2 Causatives in English & Arabic-1
    3 Adverbs in English & Arabic-2
    4 Adverbs in English & Arabic-1
    5 Adjectives in English and Arabic-2
    6 Adjectives in English and Arabic-1
    7 accepting overt and modified Derived nominal and their equivalents in English-3
    8 On Arabic Verbs accepting overt and modified Derived nominal and their equivalents in English-2
    9 On Arabic Verbs accepting overt and modified Derived nominal and their equivalents in English-1
    10 Prepositions in English and Arabic
    11 Proverbs in English and Arabic-2
    12 Proverbs in English and Arabic-1
    13 Futurity in English and Arabic- 2
    14 Futurity in English and Arabic-1
    15 Articles in Arabic
    16 Articles in English and Arabic-2
    17 Articles in English and Arabic - 1
    18 Compounding in English and Arabic - 2
    19 Compounding in English and Arabic-1
    20 Morphology Word Formation
    21 General Discussions on the Sound System
    22 Intonation in English and Arabic -- 2
    23 Intonation in English and Arabic-1
    24 Teaching English Pronunciation
    25 Stress In English and Arabic - 2
    26 Stress In English and Arabic-1
    27 Dephthongs of English and Arabic
    28 Consonants Cluster and Vowels of English and Arabic
    29 Place and Manner of Articulation of English and Arabic Consonants
    م عنوان المحاضرة عرض حفظ
    1 Stylistic Analysis of Wilfred Own
    2 Poetry of war Wilfred Own
    3 Stylistic analysis of the Oxen - 2
    4 Stylistic analysis of the Oxen -1
    5 Tnomas Hardy's The Oxen
    6 Victorian Poetry
    7 Wordsworth's The Daffiodils - 2
    8 Wordsworth's The Daffiodils - 1
    9 Worordsworth and Romanticism
    10 Depating the different interpretations of Blake
    11 Blake's The tyger - 2
    12 Blake's The tyger - 1
    13 Blake's The Sick Rose - continued
    14 Blake's The Sick Rose
    15 Romanticism
    16 Analysis of Donne's Sonnet Batter my Heart- 2
    17 Analysis of Donne's Sonnet Batter my Heart -1
    18 Metaphysical Poetry
    19 Sonnets 18& 65 Reconsidered
    20 Shakespeare's sonnet 65
    21 Shall I Compare Thee to Summers Day?- 2
    22 Shall I Compare Thee to Summers Day? -1
    23 Raleigh's Parody of Marlowe
    24 Sir Walter Raleigh
    25 Critical Analysis of The Passionate Shepherd
    26 Christopher Marlowe The Passionate Shepherd
    27 Critical analysis of Spenser
    28 Edmund Spenser Sonnet 75
    29 Critical Analysis of Litany
    30 Sir Phillip Sidney Alitany
    31 Rhyme and Rhythm
    32 Critical Analysis of Howards Description of Spring
    33 Henry Howard ,Earl Surrey (1517-1547) Description of Spring
    34 Writing a Critical Account of Whose List to Hunt
    35 The Aesthetics in Whoso List to Hunt
    36 Sir Thomas Wyalt Whoso Jist to Hunt
    37 Reading and Writing About Poetry
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