م عنوان المحاضرة عرض حفظ
    1 Dynamics | Lecture 20: Kinematics of Rigid Bodies: Lecture 5
    2 Dynamics | Lecture 19: Kinematics of Rigid Bodies: Lecture 4
    3 Dynamics | Lecture 18: Kinematics of Rigid Bodies: Lecture 3
    4 Dynamics | Lecture 17: Kinematics of Rigid Bodies: Lecture 2
    5 Dynamics | Lecture 16: Kinematics of Rigid Bodies: Lecture 1
    6 Dynamics | Lecture 15: Kinetics of Particles:Energy and Momentum Method - 7
    7 Dynamics | Lecture 14: Kinetics of Particles:Energy and Momentum Method - 6
    8 Dynamics | Lecture 13: Kinetics of Particles:Energy and Momentum Method - 5
    9 Dynamics | Lecture 14 : Kinetics of Particles: Energy and Momentum Method - 6
    10 Dynamics | Lecture 13 : Kinetics of Particles: Energy and Momentum Method - 5
    11 Dynamics | Lecture 12 : Kinetics of Particles: Energy and Momentum Method - 4
    12 Dynamics Lecture 11 | Kinetics of Particles: Energy and Momentum Method - 3
    13 Dynamics Lecture 10 | Kinetics of Particles: Energy and Momentum Method - 2
    14 Dynamics Lecture 9 | Kinetics of Particles: Energy and Momentum Method - 1
    15 Dynamics Lecture 8 | Kinetics of Particles: Newton
    16 Dynamics Lecture 7 | Kinetics of Particles: Newton
    17 Dynamics Lecture 6 | Kinetics of Particles: Newton
    18 Dynamics Lecture 1 | Kinematics of Particles - 1
    19 Dynamics Lecture 5 | Kinematics of Particles - 5
    20 Dynamics Lecture 1 | Kinematics of Particles - 1
    21 Dynamics Lecture 4 | Kinematics of Particles - 4
    22 Dynamics Lecture 3 | Kinematics of Particles - 3
    23 Dynamics Lecture 2 | Kinematics of Particles - 2
    م عنوان المحاضرة عرض حفظ
    1 Machine Design 1 | Lecture 4: Failures Resulting from Static Loading – Lecture 1
    2 Machine Design 1 | Lecture 5: Failures Resulting from Static Loading – Lecture 2
    3 Machine Design 1 | Lecture 6: Failures Resulting from Static Loading – Lecture 3
    4 Lecture 3: Deflection and Stiffness Analysis
    5 Machine Design 1 | Lecture 2: Deflection and Stiffness Analysis
    6 Machine Design I | Lecture 1: Deflection and Stiffness Analysis
مساقات ذات علاقة

مركز التميز والتعليم الإلكتروني | الجامعة الإسلامية بغزة

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البريد الإلكتروني: [email protected]

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